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Upcoming events discussed by Council

Council approved an event by the Legion at recent meeting
STAY DRY - Mayor of Eckville, Helen Posti, rode in the parade held on June 10. Posti mentioned she was surprised with how many people came out for the parade in spite of the dismal weather. Photo by Megan Roth/Eckville Echo

Two proposed events were discussed by the Eckville Town Council at its regular June 12 meeting. Members of council were excited by the proposed “ball run” event, to be put on by the Eckville Legion.

For the event, the Legion requested to have two blocks of either 51 Street, 52 Street or 53 Street closed for a maximum of two hours.

In considering the request a few issues were raised; the location, time and the slope of the hills. For the ball run, the Legion would like to use a hill with a good slope so they may roll down the hill towards the river.

“I’m not entirely sure what a ball run is, but I think it would be great to have,” said Coun. Scott Kinley.

Council agreed 51 Street would give the ball run the best opportunity to make it down the street, and it was the Legion’s first choice for the venue.

Mayor Helen Posti had two issues with the event. Having the street closed along 51 Street would limit access to the Eckville Manor House.

“We have to consider the Manor here. If something happens, an ambulance has to be able to get into the Manor,” Posti argued.

Apparently, the back entrances are for residents only, and an ambulance would be unable to gain access through that way. Having the barricades manned would also keep people from driving through the barricades into the event, as seen during the Eckville Parade.

Chief Administrative Officer Jack Ramsden suggested having the barricades manned, in case of an emergency.

Because the event is to run on Canada Day, Mayor and Council were concerned about the time the ball run would take place.

“I don’t want to see it interfere with our events,” said Mayor Posti.

Coun. Sandra Hallgren suggested the event could take place in the afternoon as long as it was over by 5:30 p.m. to allow participants to take in the Town-sponsored events beginning at 5 p.m. with a supper.

“If they are done by about 5:30 p.m. then they could easily go on to the town events. And having it on 51 Street would make it easy for everyone too,” said Hallgren.

More information about the ball run will be made available in next week’s addition of the Eckville Echo.

Council denied the original request from Darlene Blaney, of Total Health, to hold a town-wide garage sale. The request was denied for a number of reasons, including the time, date and location. Council felt the suggested time for the garage sale was too long. The proposal requested a street closure from noon to 8 p.m.

“That is just too long to have the street closed, especially for a garage sale,” said Mayor Posti.

Council was also concerned about the date requested for the sale. Blaney originally asked to have the street blocked off on Fri., July 7. Council did not like the idea of closing the street on a Friday.

Along with the issue of closing the street on a Friday, Council also did not like having to close the street twice in one week.

“I think it is too close to the market, which will close the street that Wednesday,” said Coun. Colleen Eden.

The final concern with the event was the location, which would close off 51 Avenue, same as the Farmer’s Market. Because the event would use a large emergency trailer to block off the west end of 51 Ave.

“We can’t block the west end, it’s the same issue with the Manor,” said Coun. Hallgren.

Mayor Posti also had an issue of the garage sale blocking off the back alley behind Town Hall and the post office.

Instead of outright denying the request, Council offered an alternative.

“What if they set up in the parking lot across from the credit union,” suggested Coun. Dwayne Meyers. “They would have a lot of room down there, and if they needed to they could even go onto the grass.”

Council sent their alternative back to Blaney, who will come to a decision based on the ruling of Council.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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