The Town of Eckville is looking to pass a bylaw that will change the number of councillors for the Town from seven to five.
The town council structure bylaw is pretty short and straightforward, Chief Administrative Officer Jack Ramsden said.
"It sets the size of the Eckville Town Council at five members, with the mayor to be elected by separate ballot and the four councillors to be elected at large."
"The only thing that would change would be electing four councillors at large rather than electing six councillors," he added.
The bylaw was first publicly announced as being given first reading on the Town of Eckville Facebook page on Oct. 29.
"This type of bylaw, if given first reading, must be advertised and cannot be brought back to council for a second and third reading until 60 days from the date of advertisement," Ramsden said.
"Further for the bylaw to take effect for the 2025 general election, the bylaw must be passed before the end of the year."
If the bylaw doesn't receive final readings the Eckville council's structure will remain the same in the next election.
However, if the bylaw is given final readings the change in the Eckville council's structure will happen in the 2025 general election, Ramsden said.
"If the change doesn't work out or sit well with council and residents, another bylaw could be passed before the 2029 general election, and the Town could return to a seven-member council."
The bylaw will be brought in front of council again to be potentially given second and third reading at the Dec. 30 council meeting.