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Photos: Leslieville community plays slo pitch for breast cancer research

The sixth annual Help Save Second Base Slo Pitch Tournament raised funds for breast cancer awareness
This year Vegas Rentals and Bay 4 Promotional Printing donated cups to celebrate the unique touch players bring to the games. Tamara Lawrence and her mother Twyla Shanks are in the background.

By Myra Nicks


The sixth annual Help Save Second Base Slo Pitch Tournament raised funds for breast cancer awareness

Jayde Smyth, Kailey Cinnamon and Bridgette Nielsen wait for their turn at bat for the Milk Jugs.
Darcy Glenn gifted a wood burnt plaque reading “Don’t let breast cancer steal second base” to be given to the “funnest, most sportsmanship team.” The table was donated by Cam Playfair from Dusty Star Customs.
An all-girls team, Rack Attack, won the new sportsmanship award and were given the title “Funnest Team.”