Due to time constraints the Legion Ball Run, originally planned for Canada Day, has been cancelled.
The Eckville Legion had originally went to Town Council on June 12 seeking to close off a street for the event.
After a lengthy discussion, Council agreed to close 51 Street under a few conditions: manned barricades in case of emergency and the event running no later than 5:30 p.m.
Council was in support of the idea so long as it did not interfere with the planned events for Canada Day put on by the Town, beginning that evening.
“I think it would be great to see, and a great addition to the day’s events,” Coun. Sandra Hallgren said.
Unfortunately, the Eckville Legion has decided to cancel the event in favour of holding it next year. In an email, Legion President Mitch Krecsy said, “We simply ran out of time to organize a well run fundraiser.”
The ball run was meant to be a fundraiser for the Legion. The Eckville Legion was looking to sell 50/50 tickets where the number on the ticket would be placed on one of 1,000 balls which would all be dropped at the same time from the top of a hill.
This would be a race, with the ball crossing the finish line - the finish line would have been 50 Avenue - being named the winner and winning the cash prize.
Krecsy described the event as similar to a rubber duck race, which is where the idea came from.
The other half of the money raised would go back to the Legion, and would have been used to help support different initiatives within the town.
“We are invoved in the community and help through many different avenues such as scholarships, sports teams and the poppy campaign to name a few,” said Krecsy.
Krecsy said the Ball Run will be held next summer instead, so the members will have sufficient time to organize it.
Check back next year with the Eckville Legion for more information about this fundraising event.